Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Holy Week Advisory
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The whole Philippine nation would be under a spell for the next three days. We are commemorating the
Semana Santa or the Holy Week. This is a remembrance of Christ's final seven days as a mortal. Starting tomorrow (Maundy Thursday) until Saturday (Black Saturday), all the pious of the Philippines would gather together, in remembrance of the Christ's final hours.
The Good Friday has got to be the most important one, since Christ died on the cross on that day. Especially on this particular day, everyone is on a sense of reverence.However, the coming of the Easter Sunday brings in a renewed sense of faith. Of course, Christ does not die again every Good Friday, Easter Sunday brings to everyone a remembrance that Christ is alive and can make wonders on everyone's lives.
Non-Christians could be reading my blog and I would not want to talk religion here.
May all of us Christians spend the Holy Week on the most reverent of all manners!
God bless!
This post was written by: Jerick Baluyot
Jerick Baluyot is a professional blogger, writer and digital marketing specialist. Follow him on Twitter
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