Wednesday, February 24, 2010
As I'm currently listening to DJ Mo Twister's Forbidden Questions to Senatoriable Adel Tamano, I can't help but laugh and yet at the same time, admire the guts (I mean, balls) this guy has. Brutally honest as how Mo Twister said it.
I used to be a hater since he used to be the opposition party's campaign spokesman. He used to look like an Erap pet but nope, I think he has metamorphosized into a legitimate future kick-butt leader. Him losing a senate seat would only prove how crappy Filipinos are when it comes to election voting.
Surely, I will be voting for him. I've always been the type who would want for some fresh new blood to run over the government. Should he win, he will be a very competent and popular senator in the country. I hope he will be careful enough with what he does. We do not want another trapo here in the country.
Do you see him becoming more than a Philippine Senator? Probably, unless he really becomes crappy in the future and become like another Jamby Madriigal, Ping Lacson, and oh please, Juan Ponce Enrile. I'd love to tell everyone to vote for him. I think his circle would be the first circle I would be encircling come election.
Adel Tamano will be a very good and very cool senator.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 by Jerick · 10
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 by Jerick · 2
Like a true-blue new media star (like Colby Calliat, Charice Pempengco, and Boyce Avenue), he started on YouTube from his native Canada. His mom used to upload videos of him singing Usher, Justin Timberlake, Ne-Yo, Chris Brown and Stevie Wonder. To prove he's really a musician, Bieber can also play the piano, guitar, drums, and trumpet. He hit it big in 2009 when his first album My World was released. He also performed in front of President Obama during the televised Christmas special at The White House.
Watch out for this kid. He will be a major star someday, provided that he won't go the Chris Brown way. The future looks really bright for him. Only a matter of time before he could supplant David Archuleta and the JoBros as the hottest teen male act. If only Yahoo and Twitter trending plus his YouTube hits and Facebook fans were accurate indicators, it looks like 2010 will be Justin Bieber's year.
by Jerick · 4
Sunday, February 21, 2010
1. When you have the feeling that you are annoying people.
2. When you start noticing that it is always you who initiates facebook and yahoo messenger chats.
3. When people don't usually reply to your chats.
4. When they always got reasons not to meet up with you.
5. When you get paranoid and start thinking that you might be acting too "feeling close" to one person.
6. When a person starts getting masungit at you.
7. When you feel that the person starts to suffocate upon your physical and/or online presence.
8. When people leave you out in the middle.
9. When people aren't too excited with your presence.
10. If you can relate to a number of the points raised.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 by Jerick · 5
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010 by Jerick · 1
Friday, February 19, 2010
I saw from several blogs that the concert will be scheduled on May 15th and I thank my lucky star cos the concert will be held on a Saturday. Where the concert will be held, that I will have to find out. I hope it is some place where all could just sit down and chill. John Mayer is not a mosh pit artist.
John Mayer started the year on a rough note, thanks to his Jessica Simpson and African-American negative comments on his recent Playboy interview. However, I don't think that would be a major factor that would be bad for the planned Manila concert. I will be expecting
I think I would have to memorize Gravity, Waiting On The World To Change, No Such Thing, Love Song For No One and Back To You. I already know Your Body Is A Wonderland by heart so, I think for me to hear him sing his hits would be classic.
Will you be coming over and see his concert? I definitely would love to!
Friday, February 19, 2010 by Jerick · 6
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Once and for all, Happy Valentines to all lovebirds out there. For people like me who are single and loveless, hearing people greet me a Happy Valentines would be the most sarcastic remark I can think of. It is like the worst thing anyone could tell me. Anyway, I made a little research on which songs would be the worst to sing during Valentines. Ranking is on random order.
N Sync's God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You
Boyband songs are not the best songs to sing if you wanna come across as romantic. Consider singing this lyric:
Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent
A little more time
On you
(A little more time, yes he did baby)
LFO's Summer Girls
If you wanna be called white trash (eventhough you're Asian), then sing this late 90's song. Not even romantic.Check out the lyrics. Too hard to decipher though.
New Kids On The block had a bunch of hits
Chinese food makes me sick
And I think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer, for the summer
I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch
I'd take her if I had one wish
But she's been gone since that summer
Since that summer
Hip-hop marmalade spic and span,
Met you one summer and it all began
You're the best girl that I ever did see
The great Larry Bird jersey 33
When you take a sip you buzz like a hornet
Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets
Call me Willy Whistle cause I can't speak baby
The Police's Every Breath You Take
Unless you wanna scare your girl off, feel free to sing this song. And one tip: consider singing this song with some great eye contact and a smile towards the end of the song.
Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
Meatloaf's I Would Do Anything For Love
Seriously, you are not giving your girl some fun time should you sing this song.
Nelly's Hot In Herre
I can't think of any serious girlfriend who would wanna be serenaded by such a song.
Saturday, February 13, 2010 by Jerick · 4
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I know parents are supposed to be amazing like how Mom and Dad have always been, but there are just parents who, according to a third-person point of view, doesn't quite seem to fit into that tag. I know they must be loving their kids unconditionally but it doesn't mean that what they are doing would always seem right. Parents do err of course, but there will always be a draw line between great and awful parents. Here's how my listing goes.
Why he got into my listing? Cos I don't think he has showed enough to be considered a great dad. He's got custody over his and Britney's kids. He receives monthly support coming from his wife. Of course, he's got the pop superstar's kids. There's no way they wouldn't be showered with a whole lot of cash.
But imagine how much he has gained weight since the divorce, the child custody battle, etc. A ordinary individual like me would be quick to think that all Kevin did all these years was to wait for the support and absolutely do nothing to be productive. He's on a celebrity weight loss show now. Obviously, he gets talent fee from their. Can't he just be more a responsible father?
Next parent is Marlene Aguilar. She is the mother of Jason Ivler, one of the most controversial real-life villains the Philippines has seen in years. Of course nothing beats the Ampatuans in that respect.
I think Marlene is kind of crazy. I know she loves her son but I thought she could have surrendered him instead. For some reason, I think she is loving the attention she's receiving. Since she is also a book writer, any publicity is good publicity for her.
Then we got Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin's grandchild. He was then known as a teenage father who was inloved with his teenage girlfriend. I thought the story could have ended there until we started hearing him talk negatively of the Palins. I don't know what the real score was and I wouldn't wanna know either. I thought it was just a ploy for him to prolong his 15 minutes of fame.
However, this attention-whorism does not stop from there as he was soon appearing on Playgirl in the nude. He appeared on the magazine twice, the media salivated on his racy photos, and all the brouhaha made Levi the newest beefcake to hit town. Talk about extending one's media mileage.
I know there are a lot more who needs to be included. Like the parents of balloon boy. But I'm too lazy to write a few more. Bye and thanks for reading. Sorry for the bad ending though.
Thursday, February 11, 2010 by Jerick · 2
Monday, February 8, 2010
Everywhere else in the world except the United States and my country the Philippines, Football is called Football, not Soccer. Here in Manila, if you would say "I wanna play football", it means you would wanna score a touchdown, not a goal.
American Football is so American, you would hardly recognize it being an international game. It is quite unlike Baseball and Basketball, two sports which have garnered an impressive non-American roster. Plus I like rugby more than I like American Football though. Maybe because the New Zealand All Black were pretty awesome.
Just one tip to a fellow American Football noob (I mean you): You have to at least be familiar with Reggie Bush or else you really got no clue. He is the biggest celebrity football player followed closely by the likes of Tony Romo, Tom Brady and to some degree, Hank Baskett. All men got celebrities as partners and they all got media mileage beyond ESPN and other sports channels.
And please be familiar with the words touchdown, and quarterback, and penalties, and running back, and touchback, and tackle, and yeah, Superbowl. Chances are, it is American Football that they're talking about.
Would you want to know more stuff about the American Football? Here is their wiki page for that.
Monday, February 8, 2010 by Jerick · 4
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010 by Jerick · 2
Why am I too lazy to exercise daily?
Why do I hate to sweat it out?
Why do I always make plans and end up not doing anything?
Why do I always have to be defensive when it comes to people suggesting that I should lose weight?
Why is my metabolism slow?
Why am I fat?
Why do I always need to have desserts?
Why do I always manage to find a reason not to exercise?
Why am I really fat?
(This is really frustrating)
by Jerick · 4
Monday, February 1, 2010
I think I read some great news while reading The Philippine Star earlier today about Freddie Roach training an 18-year old Fil-Am for the 2012 London Olympics.After what Roach did to our prized Manny Pacquiao, this welcome development would only make us Filipinos hoping and exciting about a potential Olympic glory in London.
The kid is serious about 2012 Olympics that plans have been made for him to attend college in Southern California. The Wild Card Gym of Freddie Roach is in Los Angeles.
Hopefully, this kid would be the answer to our long Olympic drought. I don't care if a non-Filipino would help us get that gold. We should be thankful for men like Freddie Roach. And as for this Julian Santos Chua, I will be keeping an eye on you.
We expect you to create a big bang come 2012 London Olympics.
Monday, February 1, 2010 by Jerick · 3